The original project of AWS website, should be the first stop that will give you an idea about all the details for the exam, and you can access it URL. Request AWS Certified Solutions Architect - associated Web page to download one.
In the blue print exam, the first page explains the knowledge and skills needed to pass the exam. By getting a closer look in the "AWS Knowledge" section, the first point focuses primarily on AWS core services such as computer networking, storage and database services. He also expects them to have hands-on experience in these services.
The second point of emphasis on professional experience in large-scale application architecture. AWS wants one to have one or more years of experience, there was no need to offer any proof.
The next three points is to have a clear understanding of the basic concepts of AWS, including AWS global infrastructure and network. The latest points are waiting for you to have a clear understanding of the security functions and client interfaces ... again hands on experience with the implementation and administration services of AWS.
In the next section, general IT knowledge lists almost all technologies available under this section of a multilevel architecture and all the way to collaborative technologies.
If you come from a development background, you may be familiar with multilevel architectures that use web servers, caching, application servers and RDBMS or NoSQL. In addition, you can have a good knowledge of Rest Web Services, XML and JSON.
If you leave the bottom line, you do not need to worry about load balancers, storage, message queues, Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and content distribution networks. If you are an infrastructure administrator, you can skip topics such as network LAN / WAN network topologies, route tables, access control lists, firewalls, NATs, and protocols such as TCP / IP and HTTP or HTTPS.
But they are all from different cultures and do not necessarily have all the skills indicated. However, during your preparation for the exam, you should learn the basics of the above topics. You do not need to immerse yourself deeply in any subject, but a basic understanding and knowledge required to be a successful architect of the solution.
The next page of the exam template lists different domains that appear in the exam and the percentage covered by each domain in the exam. I am going to write a freelance blog regarding these exam domains.
We come to the essence of this blog post, the first step to begin with an exam preparation.
Some certified engineers describe the exam as a difficult task, but most of them say that it takes a considerable amount of study to pass successfully. It is therefore not surprising that they would use multiple study materials. Detailed view of the different study materials available to consider will help you decide on what you would need to pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Exam. From payment programs and all the way to be free.
Thank you, nice sharing.
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